SolidWorks 2016 SP1.0
[size=13.3333px]SolidWorks 2016 SP1.0 | 10.8 Gb
[size=13.3333px]Dassault Systemes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, world leader in 3D design software, 3D Digital Mock Up and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, has released udpate of SOLIDWORKS 2016, the latest release of the company’s successful portfolio of 3D design and engineering applications. SOLIDWORKS 2016 delivers new and enhanced capabilities that will help 2.7 million users quickly and easily innovate, design, validate, collaborate and build, from initial concept to final product.
[size=13.3333px]SolidWorks 2016 includes over 100 new features and enhancements covering the entire range of SolidWorks solutions for 3D design, simulation, technical communication, product data management, and sustainable design to maximize your productivity.
[size=13.3333px]SolidWorks 3D CAD solutions enable you and your team to quickly transform new ideas into great products. Its intuitive interface and powerful design capabilities drive smarter, faster product development that powers your company’s success. Easy-to-use yet powerful toolsets, clear communication of design information, virtual prototyping, and quick generation of manufacturing-ready drawings and data give you the distinct advantage in a competitive market. Discover all the advantages of SolidWorks 3D CAD.
[size=13.3333px]Check out the New Features in [size=13.3333px]SolidWorks New Features
About Dassault Systemes
[size=13.3333px]Dassault Systemes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Its world-leading solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported. Dassault Systemes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation, expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world.
Name: [size=13.3333px]SolidWorks
Version: [size=13.3333px](64bit) 2016 SP1.0 EV (Early Visibility)
Interface: [size=13.3333px]multilanguage
OS:[size=13.3333px] Windows 7.1 / 8.1 / 10
Size: [size=13.3333px]10.9 Gb
下列是SOLIDWORKS 2016产品组合顺应用户最迫切的要求提供的特性、新产品和增强功能: 专注于设计而非软件本身:下列特性有助于加快设计流程,缩短实现所需的几何结构的时间和工作量,提高建模灵活性,方便地调用命令: 曲率连续边缘圆角(Curvature Continuous Edge Fillets)—— 能比以往更快的速度为包括非对称圆角和尺寸可变圆角在内的各种圆角类型创建极为光顺的弯曲或“连续边缘”圆角。 扫描命令(Sweep Command)——能以较以往更快的速度创建复杂的扫描形状,结果更加可靠和可预测,能在截面中自动创建扫描得到的圆弧,还能从一个方向或两个方向进行双向扫描。 螺纹向导(Thread Wizard)——使用快捷易用的命令准确地为标准螺纹和定制螺纹建模。 面包屑导航(Breadcrumbs)——无需查看特性图即可快速方便地访问任何模型,借助光标中的“面包屑”缩短鼠标移动距离。 迅速解决复杂问题:更高效率地开展分析,帮助解决复杂问题,可视化并验证功能,在潜在错误发生前发现它们: 创新设计仿真工具——能更有力地控制和更深入地认识操作顺序、载荷、部件运动、所需的力和网格质量,提供可靠的性能数据。 展开工具(Flatten Everything)——针对制造目标迅速方便地展开最复杂的几何构造,在把形状恢复为3D表面时能方便地发现诱发的应力,能为展开形状制作释能槽以减轻过度的伸展/压缩。 理顺并行设计流程:跨越团队、专业领域、客户和厂商在机电设计、同步设计和流畅化的电子/机械设计中同步沟通、协作与工作: 配合控制器(Mate Controller)——类似于游戏控制器,能方便直观地创建复杂的总成运动并生成动画,还配备有计算、控制和可视化特性。 电子工程图(eDrawings)——通过统一的衡量设计、文档间导航和更准确地可视化模型,贯穿产品开发始终改进设计的协作与沟通。 快速落实设计到制造:为制造环节提供更加详尽的输出,在节省时间和减少错误的同时缩短从产品开发到制造的进程: 基于SOLIDWORKS模型的定义(MBD)增强功能 ——迅速准确地在3D中直接定义、组织和发布制造规格,避免2D图纸带来的混淆和下游偏差。 SOLIDWORKS VISUALIZE (原为Bunkspeed) ——作为SOLIDWORKS的专有“照像机”,把所有3D CAD数据生成消费者易于理解设计概念的高质量图像,帮助用户提高决策质量。