Chapter 1 Introduction to Construction Contract Administration.
1.1 Construction.
1.2 Construction as a Team Activity.
1.3 Understanding the Documents.
1.4 Administering Construction Based on Delivery Methods.
1.5 Construction Contract Administrator.
1.6 Contractor’s Project Manager.
1.7 Owner’s Project Manager.
Chapter 2 Roles and Responsibilities.
2.1 Owner.
2.2 Architect/Engineer.
2.3 Contractor.
2.4 Subcontractors and Suppliers.
2.5 Consultants.
2.6 Authorities Having Jurisdiction.
2.7 Testing Agency Inspectors.
2.8 Commissioning Authority.
2.9 Product Representatives.
2.10 Communication.
Chapter 3 Preconstruction.
3.1 Contractor’s Organization.
3.2 Notice to Proceed.
3.3 Contract Documents.
3.4 Preconstruction Submittals.
3.5 Permits and Regulatory Issues.
3.6 Preconstruction Meetings.
3.7 Verification of Site Conditions.
3.8 Mobilization.
Chapter 4 Meetings.
4.1 Procedures and Administration.
4.2 Types of Meetings.
Chapter 5 Submittals.
5.1 Contract Documents.
5.2 Preconstruction Submittals.
5.3 Construction Submittals.
5.4 Closeout Submittals.
5.5 Submittal Preparation.
5.6 Submittal Review.
5.7 Participant Responsibilities.
5.8 Record Keeping.
5.9 Processing Procedures.
Chapter 6 Site Visits, Observations, and Inspections.
6.1 Contract Requirements.
6.2 A/E Responsibilities.
6.3 Contractor’s Responsibilities.
6.4 Owner’s Responsibilities.
6.5 Authorities Having Jurisdiction.
6.6 Working Relationships.
6.7 Conduct at the Project Site.
6.8 Project Site Safety.
6.9 Defective and Nonconforming Work.
6.10 Delivery, Storage, and Protection of Products.
6.11 Progress Schedule Review.
6.12 Record Keeping and Reporting.
6.13 Establishing a Field Office.
6.14 Record Documents.
6.15 Review, Analysis, and Evaluation.
Chapter 7 Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
7.1 Participants Affect Quality.
7.2 Examples of Quality Assurance.
7.3 Examples of Quality Control.
7.4 Concurrent Quality Assurance/Quality Control Processes.
7.5 Quality Established by the Contract.
7.6 Team Approach.
Chapter 8 Interpretations and Modifications.
8.1 Interpreting Contract Documents.
8.2 Contract Modifications.
8.3 Substitutions.
8.4 Feedback.
Chapter 9 Executing the Work.
9.1 Field Engineering.
9.2 Supervision of Construction.
9.3 Coordinating Construction Activities.
9.4 Sequencing the Work.
9.5 Scheduling the Work.
9.6 Construction Means and Methods.
9.7 Product Delivery, Storage, and Handling.
9.8 Examination and Verification.
9.9 Preparation.
9.10 Erection, Installation, and Application.
9.11 Cleaning and Construction Waste Management.
9.12 Protecting Installed Construction.
9.13 Testing and Inspection.
9.14 Project Site Safety.
9.15 Contractor Record Keeping.
Chapter 10 Claims and Disputes.
10.1 Introduction.
10.3 Entitlement.
10.4 Resolving Claims.
10.5 Disputes.
Chapter 11 Measurement and Payment.
11.1 Applications for Payment.
11.2 Payment Intervals.
11.3 Basis of Payment.
11.4 Contractual Responsibilities.
11.5 Measurement.
11.7 Application for Payment.
11.8 Progress Payments.
11.9 Retainage.
11.10 Withholding Payment.
11.11 Failure to Make Payments.
11.12 Liens.
11.13 Liquidated Damages and Penalty/Bonus Clauses.
11.14 Substantial Completion, Partial Occupancy, Final Acceptance, and Payments.
11.15 Final Payment.
Chapter 12 Project Closeout.
12.1 Participant Roles.
12.2 Closeout Meeting.
12.3 Closeout.
12.4 Postconstruction Services.
12.5 Facility Evaluation.
12.6 Project Feedback.
Chapter 13 Developing A Construction Contract Administration Guide.
13.1 Benefits.
13.2 Preparation.
13.3 Production.
13.4 Implementation.
Chapter 14. Summary.