标题: ISO 9453-2006 软钎料合金.化学成分和形式 [打印本页] 作者: sigh007 时间: 2012-3-29 15:52:58 标题: ISO 9453-2006 软钎料合金.化学成分和形式
【英文标准名称】: Soft solder alloys - Chemical compositions and forms 【原文标准名称】: 软钎料合金.化学成分和形式 【标准号】: ISO 9453-2006 【标准状态】: 现行 【国别】: 国际 【发布日期】: 2006-10 【实施或试行日期】: 【发布单位】: 国际标准化组织(IX-ISO)【起草单位】: ISO/TC 44【标准类型】: ()【标准水平】: ()【中文主题词】: 合金;化学成分;定义;填充料;交货形式;作标记;包装件;抽样方法;形状;软钎料;焊锡;回声测深探头;规范;含锡合金;焊接工程【英文主题词】: Alloys;Chemical composition;Definitions;Fillers;Form of delivery;Markingackages;Sampling methods;Shape;Soft solders;Solders;Sounding heads;Specifications;Tin-containing alloys;Welding engineering【摘要】: This International Standard specifies the requirements for chemical composition for the following families of soft solder alloys:— tin-lead, with and without antimony, bismuth, cadmium, copper, and silver;— tin-antimony;— tin-bismuth;— tin-copper, with and without silver;— tin-indium, with and without silver and bismuth;— tin-silver, with and without copper and bismuth;— tin-zinc, with and without bismuth.It also includes an indication of the forms generally available.【中国标准分类号】: J33【国际标准分类号】: 25_160_50【页数】: 10P;A4【正文语种】: 英语 作者: cosmo4411110 时间: 2013-7-25 19:31:56