范围:1.1 This guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a test material (added to dilution water, but not to food) on Daphnia magna Straus, 1820, during continuous exposure throughout a life-cycle using the renewal or flow-through techniques. These procedures also should be useful for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with other invertebrate species, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 These procedures are applicable to most chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures. With appropriate modifications, these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and on such materials as aqueous effluents (also see Guide E 1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters. The technique, (renewal or flow-through), will be selected based on the chemical characteristics of the test material such as high oxygen demand, volatility, susceptibility t
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