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其他标准 今日: 2|主题: 7628

版主: greentea2014
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API 16A-2004中文版(钻井通道设备规范) attachment 白鹿原 2014-7-24 82397 成林 2018-5-8 08:35:57
PIP (process-industry-practices)标准更新包 attachment moolea 2018-5-4 33975 moolea 2018-5-7 18:28:30
EPRI-NP-5652--商品级物项运用导则 attachment Enspany 2018-5-1 1490 admin 2018-5-7 09:52:39
ISA-75.05.01-2000 (R2005) attachment wecywp 2015-9-14 4914 aganxie 2018-5-4 10:13:42
API RP 14E-1991(R2007) 海上生产平台管道系统设计和安装的推荐作 attachment liuxilin1215 2015-3-13 2593 jokechen 2018-5-3 16:36:21
TIR 国际公路运输手册 2002(中文版) attachment ykowloon 2018-4-28 2565 ykowloon 2018-5-3 14:18:22
ATO-DLO -2007 认证标准Explanatory notes to the ATO-certification of reefer attachment ykowloon 2018-4-28 2859 ykowloon 2018-5-3 14:17:23
(AWS) Everyday Pocket Handbook for Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) of Aluminum attachment mechen 2016-1-24 3410 myyeh 2018-4-30 18:42:37
Belt Conveyor For Bulk Materials 7 Edition attachment lijh01 2018-4-28 1289 admin 2018-4-28 17:55:56
AS 1544.1-2003(R2017) 金属材料冲击试验方法 第一部分 冲击强度 attachment h15915324005 2018-4-27 1250 admin 2018-4-28 17:51:43
DS/EN 14491-2006 灰尘爆炸通风保护系统 attachment liuxilin1215 2015-2-4 2522 xyzever 2018-4-28 13:49:12
SANS 1507-4-2014 固定敷设用挤包固体电介质绝缘电缆 attachment ahwwwsb 2015-3-30 31260 逍遥的大鹏 2018-4-25 20:14:10
AS/NZS 1927-2010 自行车安全要求 attachment liuxilin1215 2014-6-25 5957 1131731403 2018-4-25 14:34:57
ASCE 21.1 (2006): Automated People Mover Standards, Part 1 attachment a1s2d3f4 2015-3-4 2534 alexpwc 2018-4-25 13:35:12
API 28:2010 attachment wo4shui 2018-4-20 1403 admin 2018-4-24 11:37:58
ARINC 702A-3-2006飞行管理系统 attachment wangjijian 2018-4-19 1287 admin 2018-4-20 12:13:06
香港钢结构设计规范2005CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE STRUCTURAL USE OF STEEL attachment 蹦跶的橙子 2018-2-28 3386 myyeh 2018-4-18 18:53:09
API SPEC 6A-2010 Specification for Wellhead and X-mas Equipment attachment ygs67 2017-6-15 2402 冷蓝色眼泪 2018-4-18 14:18:28
YY/T 1293.4-2016 接触性创面敷料第4部分:水胶体敷料 attachment tsinganna123 2018-4-16 1457 admin 2018-4-16 16:00:23
RFC 3447 PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications February 2003 attachment doumiaoya1 2018-4-13 1441 admin 2018-4-16 15:35:36

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