- SAE J300-2009 Engine Oil Viscosity Classification (1篇回复)
- SAE AIR 5664-2006 JAUS History and Domain Model (1篇回复)
- SAE J1939-75-2007 Application Layer—Generator Sets and Industrial (1篇回复)
- SAE J1211-2009 Handbook for Robustness Validation of Automotive Electrical/Elec (1篇回复)
- SAE AIR 5871-2008 Prognostics for Gas Turbine Engines (1篇回复)
- SAE J2288-2008 (1篇回复)
- SAE AS 2390:2007 Chemical Process Test Specimen Material (1篇回复)
- SAE AMS 4676E:2003 Nickel-Copper Alloy, Corrosion Resistant, Bars and Forgings (1篇回复)
- SAE J517-2010 Hydraulic Hose (1篇回复)
- SAE J1677-2009 Tests and Procedures for Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel Tubing (1篇回复)
- SAE AMS 4625G-2010 Phosphor Bronze Bars, Rods, and Tubing 95Cu - 5Sn Hard Tempe (1篇回复)
- SAE AS 9101D-2010 Quality Management System - Audit Requirements for Aviation, (1篇回复)
- SAE AMS 5702D:2007 Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, (1篇回复)
- SAE AMS 2355K:2011 Quality Assurance, Sampling and Testing, Aluminum Alloys and (1篇回复)
- SAE AMS-H-6875B:2010 Heat Treatment of Steel Raw Materials (1篇回复)
- SAE J2694-2009 Anti-Noise Brake Pads Shims: T-pull Test (1篇回复)
- SAE J2810-2007 HFC-134a (R-134a) Refrigerant Recovery Equipment for Mobile Auto (1篇回复)
- SAE J286-2006 SAE No.2 Clutch Friction Test Machine Guidelines (1篇回复)
- SAE J901-2007 Universal Joints and Driveshafts--Nomenclature--Terminology--Appl (1篇回复)
- SAE AS 598 Rev 2012 Aerospace Microscopic Sizing and Counting of Particulate Co (1篇回复)