MIL-STD-3031A, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARD PRACTICE: ARMY BUSINESS RULES FOR S1000D: INTERNATIONAL SPECIFICATION FOR TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS UTILIZING A COMMON SOURCE DATA BASE (30 SEP 2009)., This standard establishes the business rules for technical content, style, format and functionalityrequirements for technical publications prepared using S1000D Issues 4.0/4.0.1 for majorweapon systems, and their related systems, subsystems, equipment, weapons replacementassemblies (WRAs), and shop replacement assemblies. The requirements are applicable for allmaintenance levels through overhaul (depot) including Depot Maintenance Work Requirements(DMWRs) and National Maintenance Work Requirements (NMWRs). The requirements can beused to develop all new acquisition technical publications (page-oriented and InteractiveElectronic Technical Publications (IETPs) for interactive screen presentations).