
标题: MIL-HDBK-784 [打印本页]

作者: sigh007    时间: 2012-3-16 13:31:55     标题: MIL-HDBK-784

                   MIL-HDBK-784, MILITARY HANDBOOK: GUIDELINES-DESIGN TO MINIMIZE CONTAMINATION AND TO FACILITATE DECONTAMINATION OF MILITARY VEHICLES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT: INTERIORS AND EXTERIORS (21 DEC 1987)., This handbook provides guidelines for designing military equipment so as to minimize contamination by nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) agents and to increase the effectiveness of decontamination processes. In no way do these guidelines presume to dictate requirements for the layout, configuration, or construction of military hardware or for the selection of materials to be used therein; nor do they prescribe presently used design techniques. Rather, they are intended to bring the problems of contamination and decontamination to the attention of designers and to suggest approaches that can eliminate these problems and can make decontamination easier.         

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