MIL-STD-2105B, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSETEST METHOD STANDARD: HAZARD ASSESSMENT TESTS FOR NON-NUCLEAR MUNITIONS (12 JAN 1994)., This standard provides or references tests and test procedures for theassessment of safety and insensitive munitions (IM) characteristics for all non-nuclearmunitions, munition subsystems and explosive devices. The purpose is to provide a framework for the development of aconsolidated safety and IM assessment test program for non-nuclear munitions. Thetests are to characterize the munitions and provide the service review organizationinformation with which to make a decision. This standard applies to all non-nuclear munitions (i.e., all-upmissiles, rockets, pyrotechnics), and munitions subsystems (e.g., warheads, fuzes,cartridge actuated devices, propulsion units, safe and arm devices, pyrotechnic devices,chemical payloads), and other explosive devices. In all likelihood, it may not bepossible to test against all threats. In this case, select the most probable, crediblestimuli that is expected to cause the greatest damage to life, property, or combateffectiveness. 作者: lyj59520 时间: 2014-7-17 12:02:10