MIL-HDBK-237B, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOK: GUIDANCE FOR CONTROLLING ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON PLATFORMS, SYSTEMS, AND EQUIPMENT (01 OCT 1997)., This handbook is intended to provide personnel responsible for the design, development, and acquisition of DoD platforms, systems, subsystems, equipment, and devices with the guidance necessary for achieving the desired level of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This handbook describes the tasks that should be accomplished to ensure electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) control/EMC measures are incorporated into the development and operational procedures of an item to achieve the desired level of EMC during its life cycle. This handbook may also be used by program managers (PMs) to identify the critical E3 issues that need to be addressed when preparing their required Program Status Reports. 作者: HYF18 时间: 2016-6-23 09:06:26