Hydromantis Environmental 2013 Suite
Hydromantis Environmental 2013 Suitehttp://pxhst.co/avaxhome/9c/e6/002ae69c_medium.jpeg
Hydromantis Environmental 2013 Suite | 394.8 mb
Hydromantis provides expert modelling services for wastewater treatment plant design, commissioning, operational performance and planning improvements. Plant owners, Operators and Wastewater Engineering Consultants can take the uncertainty out of critical wastewater design and operational decisions with Hydromantis' advanced process modelling. Hydromantis delivers integrated services and technology solutions that set the world standard in wastewater treatment optimization. Hydromantis' expertise and tools have produced measurable results for a diverse group of enterprises around the world, resulting in millions of dollars in estimated savings.
- GPS-X 6.1.1
GSP-XMake wastewater facility design more efficient, and evaluate every option. Hydromantis is the home of GPS-X, renowned as the world's premier wastewater treatment plant simulation and optimization application.
- CapdetWorks 2.5d
CapdetWorksStart with CapdetWorks for reliable and comprehensive wastewater plant design and costing. Simplify examination of capital and operating costs, compare treatment alternatives and perform life-cycle analyses.
- Toxchem 4.2
Toxchem+Discover the wastewater industry’s most reliable and user-friendly predictive fate model. Toxchem combines simplicity of use with rigorous process engineering models to facilitate air emission estimates and contaminant fate during wastewater collection and treatment.
About Hydromantis
Hydromantis Environmental Software Solutions, Inc. is the global leader in water and wastewater treatment simulation technology and modelling services and the developer of the most popular software solutions for the industry including: GPS-X, SimuWorks, Toxchem, CapdetWorks, WatPro and ODM.
Founded in 1985, Hydromantis is a unique employee-owned Canadian environmental engineering and software development company committed to excellence. We specialize in the application of:
- Environmental engineering and planning
- Software development and applications
- Innovative plant optimization
- Collection and distribution systems
- And water resource management.
We are built around a core of senior engineering, scientific and technical staff experienced in all aspects of wastewater and water engineering from process engineering analysis and optimization to detailed design and construction management.
Name: Hydromantis Environmental
Version: 2013 Suite
Home: www.hydromantis.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 394.8 mb
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