MIL-STD-6004 (NOTICE 2), DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTEROPERABILITY STANDARD: TACTICAL DATA LINK (TDL) LINK-4 MESSAGE STANDARD (02 NOV 2006)., MIL-STD-6004 is classified CONFIDENTIAL and contains the tactical data link (TDL)Link-4 message standard. This link was known as TADIL C in the past. The distribution of this military standard is restricted to DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT "D", DOD AND DOD CONTRACTORS. All allied releases of this standard requires a foreign disclosureauthorization.MIL-STD-6004 has been reviewed and determined to be valid for use in acquisition.Document Automation and Production Service (DAPS) is authorized to distribute MILSTD-6004 to all DoD requests. DoD contractors may obtain copies from their DoDcontract officers who can obtain a copy from DAPS. The PA is not responsible fordocument distribution.