MIL-STD-6017A (NOTICE 1), DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTEROPERABILITY STANDARD: VARIABLE MESSAGE FORMAT (VMF) MESSAGE STANDARD(U) (02 NOV 2006)., MIL-STD-6017A is UNCLASSIFIED and contains the VMF message standard. Thepurpose of this document is to provide a standardized set of VMF messages for DoD use.As authorized by DISA-GE332 the DoD controlling office for this MIL-STD, and as documented on the current version, the distribution restriction of this military standardwas lowered from "D" to "C"(restricted to the federal government and its contractors).All allied releases of this standard continue to require a foreign disclosure authorization. ASSIST can provide copies of MIL-STD-6017 to federal employees. Federalcontractors may obtain a copy of this MIL-STD from their government POC who hasaccess to ASSIST. The PA is not responsible for distribution.