MIL-STD-2076, MILITARY STANDARD, UNIT UNDER TEST (UUT)COMPATIBILITY WITH AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT (ATE), GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR (1 MAR 1978) ., The ease and effectiveness of testing with Automatic Test Equipment(ATE) is governed, to a large extent, by the design of the Unit Under Test(UUT). The UUT design must encompass features that make it compatible withan ATE in a manner which facilitates rapid interconnection. In addition:once connected, the UUT design must be sufficiently modular to allow rapidanalysis of functional ability and鈥漝iagnosis in the event of a malfunction.In addition, critical parametric indicators, or test points from the UUTmodular elements must be accessible to the ATE and designed in a mannerthat allows their evaluation by the ATE without distortion or deviation ofthe parameter of interest.This Standard presents the design requirements for a UUT which willmake it compatible for test on an ATE. Thus designed, the UUT will possessthe attributes necessary to maximize the benefits possible through use ofATE and minimize the cost necessary to achieve those benefits.ii