sigh007 发表于 2012-3-16 15:54:35


                   MIL-PRF-83282D, PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION HYDRAULIC FLUID, FIRE RESISTANT, SYNTHETIC HYDROCARBON BASE, METRIC, NATO CODE NUMBER H-537 (30 SEP 1997) ., This specification covers the requirements for a synthetic hydrocarbon-base hydraulic fluid for use in the temperature range of -40° to +205°C. This hydraulic fluid is identified by NATO Code Number H-537 (see 6.6).         

tutu_standard 发表于 2014-10-31 10:14:50

BON BASE, METRIC, NATO CODE NUMBER H-537 (30 SEP 1997) ., This specification covers the requirements for a synthetic hydrocarbon-base hydraulic fluid for use in the temperature range of -40° to

firehawk 发表于 2017-12-3 21:24:45

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