sigh007 发表于 2012-3-16 13:31:06


                   MIL-HDBK-87213A, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOK: ELECTRONICALLY/OPTICALLY GENERATED AIRBORNE DISPLAYS (8 FEB 2005)., This handbook is approved for use by the Department of the Air Force and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. This revision updates MIL-HDBK-87213 to incorporate new information related to flat panel matrix displays and incorporates references to VESA FPDM 2.0, along with other refinements. The original MIL-HDBK-87213 replaced an Air Force Guide Specification (AFGS) on displays and another on aircraft instruments. The first section (Controls and Displays Segment Requirements) of this handbook is closely related to the controls and displays requirements in the Joint Services Specification Guide on Avionics Systems. The rest of this document covers requirements applicable to the basic elements of an aircraft control and display (and instrument) subsystem. Appendix A contains historical reference material taken from the AFGS on aircraft instruments, which dealt mainly with electromechanical instruments. Although many of the issues covered there are now the subject of symbology standards (see MIL-STD-1787), the history of how it was done on mechanical instruments (which many current pilots learned to fly with) can be very valuable. This document no longer contains the specification sections of the old guide specifications. It does include most of the material from the old guide specification handbooks, including most of the sample specification paragraphs. This material has been updated to include new technical information and lessons learned, and to eliminate references to military specifications and standards that controlled design of equipment rather than dealing only with performance requirements.         

yksl 发表于 2017-9-13 21:34:01

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