sigh007 发表于 2012-3-21 21:09:46

SAE ARP4103 Flight Deck Lighting for Commercial Transport Aircraft

                   Product Code:SAE ARP4103Title:Flight Deck Lighting for Commercial Transport AircraftIssuing Committee:S-7 Flight Deck Handling Qualities Stds For Trans AircraftScope:   This document recommends criteria for the lighting systems and visual interface required of flight deck areas, controls and displays. This document defines the recommended design and performance requirements for: integrally lighted instruments, integrally lighted information panels (lightplates), circuit breaker panel lighting, warning, caution and advisory indicator lights, and general and utility lighting.Rationale:   This document recommends criteria for the lighting systems and visual interface required of flight deck areas, controls and displays. This document defines the recommended design and performance requirements for: integrally lighted instruments, integrally lighted information panels (lightplates), circuit breaker panel lighting, warning, caution and advisory indicator lights, and general and utility lighting.         
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