美国 金属手册第19卷 - 疲劳和破裂 英文电子版
美国 金属手册第19卷 - 疲劳和破裂 英文电子版。This volume of the ASM Handbook series, Fatigue and Fracture, marks the first separate Handbook on an important
engineering topic of long-standing and continuing interest for both materials and mechanical engineers at many levels.
Fatigue and fracture, like other forms of material degradation such as corrosion and wear, are common engineering
concerns that often limit the life of engineering materials. This perhaps is illustrated best by the "Directory of Examples of Failure Analysis" contained in Volume 10 of the 8th Edition Metals Handbook. Over a third of all examples listed in that directory are fatigue failures, and well over half of all failures are related to fatigue, brittle fracture, or environmentally-assisted crack growth. 谢谢您的分享,金币已奖励!