zhao1183 发表于 2021-10-16 07:59:38

美国金属手册第20卷 - 材料选择和设计 英文电子版

美国金属手册第20卷 - 材料选择和设计 英文电子版。
All engineers who are concerned with the development of products or the design of machines and structures must be knowledgeable about the materials from which they are made. After all, the selection of the correct material for a design is a key step in the design process because it is the crucial decision that links the computer calculations and the lines on an engineering drawing with a working design. At the same time, the rapid progress in materials science and engineering has made a large number of materials--metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites--of potential interest to the designer.Thus, the range of materials available to the engineer is much larger than ever before. This presents the opportunity for innovation in design by utilizing these materials in products that provide greater performance at lower cost. To achieve this requires a more rational process for materials selection than is normally used.

admin 发表于 2021-10-19 12:53:35

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