ZTOPCHEN 发表于 2021-10-7 11:53:36

標準求助 ISO 17208-1:2016 Underwater acoustics

標準求助ISO 17208-1:2016Underwater acoustics — Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of underwater sound from ships — Part 1: Requirements for precision measurements in deep water used for comparison purposes

lotus999 发表于 2021-10-7 11:53:37

BS ISO 17208-1:2016Underwater acoustics--原版可复制 - BS 英国标准 - 世界资料网论坛 (infoeach.com)

lotus999 发表于 2021-10-8 11:59:11

ISO 17208 Underwater acoustics 全套 - ISO 国际标准 - 世界资料网论坛 (infoeach.com)
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