炼金学徒 发表于 2018-5-31 05:51:45


本帖最后由 炼金学徒 于 2018-5-31 05:51 编辑

The Project Management Body of Knowledge is a set of standard terminology and guidelines (a body of knowledge) for project management. The body of knowledge evolves over time and is presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (the Guide to the PMBOK or the Guide), a book whose sixth edition was released in 2017. The Guide is a document resulting from work overseen by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which offers the PMP certifications.Much of the PMBOK Guide is unique to project management e.g. critical path method and work breakdown structure (WBS). The PMBOK Guide also overlaps with general management regarding planning, organising, staffing, executing and controlling the operations of an organisation. Other management disciplines which overlap with the PMBOK Guide include financial forecasting, organisational behaviour, management science, budgeting and other planning methods.

admin 发表于 2018-6-1 10:42:27


亮亮和甜甜 发表于 2018-8-19 09:41:28


wudanjun 发表于 2018-10-19 17:18:17

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查看完整版本: 项目管理指南英文版-第6版