moolea 发表于 2017-9-14 18:41:28

MSS SP-6~144全套标准

本帖最后由 moolea 于 2017-9-14 18:44 编辑

MSS SP标准目前论坛还很少,楼主在各个地方基本搜集齐了。为了方便大家,干脆一次性全部上传吧。已经发过的也再发一下,这样大家可以在这一个帖子里全部下完,方便多了。
MSS SP-100-2002 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear
MSS SP-102-1989(R2001) 多回转阀门驱动装置的连接法兰和驱动件的尺寸和工作特性
MSS SP-104-2003 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
MSS SP-105-1996(R2005) Instrument Valves for Code Applications
MSS SP-106-2003 Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300
MSS SP-109-2006 Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
MSS SP-110-2010 螺纹、承插焊、软纤焊、凹槽和外接连接球阀
MSS SP-111-2005 Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves
MSS SP-112-1993 中文版 铸造表面粗糙度的质量标准(目视和触感方法)
MSS SP-112-2004 Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes -Visual
MSS SP-113-2001 Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves
MSS SP-114-2007
MSS SP-115-1999 Excess Flow Valves, 1 14 NPS and Smaller, for Fuel Gas Service
MSS SP-116-2003 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems
MSS SP-117-2006 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves
MSS SP-118-2007 Compact Steel Globe&Check Valves-Flanged...
MSS SP-119-2003 Factory-Made Wrought Belled End Socket-Welding Fittings
MSS SP-120-1997
MSS SP-121-2006 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel Valves
MSS SP-122-2005 Plastic Industrial Ball Valves
MSS SP-123-2006 Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use with Copper
MSS SP-124-2001 Fabricated Tapping Sleeves
MSS SP-125-2010 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-Guided
MSS SP-126-2007 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check Valves
MSS SP-127-2001 Bracing for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, Application
MSS SP-128-2006 Ductile Iron Gate Valves
MSS SP-129-2007 Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and Unions
MSS SP-130-2003 Bellows Seals for Instrument Valves
MSS SP-131-2004 Metallic Manually Operated Gas Distribution Valves
MSS SP-133-2005 Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel Gas Appliances
MSS SP-134-2006 对低温阀门及其阀体阀盖加长体的要求(中文版)
MSS SP-135-2006 High Pressure Steel Knife Gate Valves
MSS SP-137-2007 Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal V
MSS SP-138-2009 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves
MSS SP-139-2014 CopperAlloyGate,Globe,Angle,andCheckValvesforLowPressure_LowTemp
MSS SP-140-2012 Quality Standard Practice for Preparation of Valves and Fittings
MSS SP-141-2012  Multi-Turn and Check Valve Modifications
MSS SP-144-2013 Pressure Seal Bonnet Valves
MSS SP-2017_PDF_PriceList
MSS SP-25-2013 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions
MSS SP-42-2009 Class 150耐腐阀
MSS SP-43-2013 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Co
MSS SP-44-2016(英文版) 钢制管道法兰
MSS SP-45-2008 Bypass and Drain Connections
MSS SP-51-2000 Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and Cast Flanged Fitt.
MSS SP-53-1999(2002)阀门、法兰、管件和其他管道部件用铸钢件和锻钢件质量标准—磁粉检验方法
MSS SP-53-2012 阀门、法兰、管件和其他管道部件用铸钢件质量标准—磁粉检验方法(中文版)
MSS SP-54-2007 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fitt
MSS SP-55-2011  阀门、法兰、管件及其它管路附件的铸钢件质量标准---表面缺陷(中文版)
MSS SP-58-2009 管道吊架和支架─材料、设计和制造
MSS SP-6-2007 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting
MSS SP-60-2004 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves
MSS SP-61-2013 阀门压力试验
MSS SP-65-1994用透镜垫的高压法兰和螺纹短管(中文版)
MSS SP-67-2011
MSS SP-68-2011 High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset Design
MSS SP-68-2011偏心结构的高压蝶阀
MSS SP-69-2003
MSS SP-70-2006 Gray-Iron-Gate-Valves-Flanged-and-Threaded-Ends
MSS SP-70-2006 中文版 法兰端和螺纹端灰铸铁闸阀
MSS SP-71-2011 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
MSS SP-72-2010 法兰端或对焊端通用球阀
MSS SP-75 2014
MSS SP-75-2004 中文版 优质钢制对焊管件规范
MSS SP-78-1998
MSS SP-79-2011 Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts
MSS SP-80-2013 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves.part1.rar
MSS SP-80-2013 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves.part2.rar
MSS SP-80-2013 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves
MSS SP-81-2001
MSS SP-82-1992阀门压力试验方法(英文)
MSS SP-83-2014 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions Socket Welding and Threaded (E)
MSS SP-86-2002 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fitt
MSS SP-88-2010 隔膜阀 Diaphragm Valves
MSS SP-89 - 2003 Pipe Hangars and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practi
MSS SP-9-2008 青铜、铁和钢法兰锪平标准
MSS SP-90-2000
MSS SP-91-2009 Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves
MSS SP-92-1999 MSS Valve User Guide
MSS SP-93-1999 Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flan
MSS SP-94-2008 Quality Std for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valve
MSS SP-95 2014 Swaged(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs
MSS SP-97-2012
MSS SP-98-2005 Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings
MSS SP-99.1994

admin 发表于 2017-9-17 16:49:37


北国海洋 发表于 2017-12-20 11:18:24


xisure2 发表于 2018-8-20 12:35:45

MSS SP-44-2016(英文版) 钢制管道法兰.pdf  下载下来看不了

hmgongyong 发表于 2019-7-29 13:32:45


hung 发表于 2019-9-7 16:56:11


北国海洋 发表于 2021-12-11 16:34:44

MSS SP-44-2016(英文版) 钢制管道法兰.pdf  下载下来打不开

yzy2005 发表于 2023-4-7 22:27:21

感谢分享好资料,MSS SP-44-2016(英文版) 钢制管道法兰 下载下来打不开

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