sigh007 发表于 2013-3-6 18:43:37

ASTM E824-2010 从基准到现场辐射计的校准传输试验方法 下载

中文名称: 从基准到现场辐射计的校准传输试验方法               
                                  英文名称:Standard Test Method for Transfer of Calibration From Reference to Field Radiometers               
                                  中标分类:A50                  ICS分类:27.160               
                                  标准分类编号:AS                  页数:6               
                                  发布日期:                  实施日期:2010-12-01                  作废日期:               
                                  被替代标准:                    代替标准:ASTM E824-2005               
                                  引用标准:ASTM E772;ASTM E816;ASTM G113;ASTM G138;ASTM G167;ISO 9847                  采用标准:                
                                  起草单位:                  归口单位:               
                                  范围:1.1 The method described in this standard applies to the transfer of calibration from reference to field radiometers to be used for measuring and monitoring outdoor radiant exposure levels. This standard has been harmonized with ISO 9847. 1.2 This test method is applicable to field radiometers regardless of the radiation receptor employed, but is limited to radiometers having approximately 180° (2π Steradian), field angles. 1.3 The calibration covered by this test method employs the use of natural sunshine as the source. 1.4 Calibrations of field radiometers may be performed at tilt as well as horizontal (at 0° from the horizontal to the earth). The essential requirement is that the reference radiometer shall have been calibrated at essentially the same tilt from horizontal as the tilt employed in the transfer of calibration. 1.5 The primary reference instrument shall not be used as a field instrument and its exposure to sunlight shall be limited to calibration or


2013 发表于 2013-3-24 19:22:25


shrian 发表于 2016-11-13 22:02:34


lqx1919_54 发表于 2018-11-1 14:35:12

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