sigh007 发表于 2012-3-29 13:07:46

ANSI/GPTC Z380.1-2003 Addendum No. 5-2006 燃气传输和分配管道系统指南

                   【英文标准名称】:     Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems            【原文标准名称】:     燃气传输和分配管道系统指南            【标准号】:     ANSI/GPTC Z380.1-2003 Addendum No. 5-2006            【标准状态】:     作废            【国别】:     美国            【发布日期】:     2006    【实施或试行日期】: 【发布单位】: 美国国家标准学会(US-ANSI)【起草单位】: ANSI【标准类型】: ()【标准水平】: ()【中文主题词】: 能源技术;燃气分配;燃气管道;燃气输送【英文主题词】: Energy technology;Gas distribution;Gas pipelines;Gas transportation【摘要】: Revision to the guide material on plastic pipe repair under 192.311. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on MAOP cross-reference under 192.741. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on pressure limiting and regulating under 192.739. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.  Revision to guide material under 192.745, and 192.747. The Standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on transmission integrity management program glossary under 192.903. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on transmission integrity management program implementation under 192.907 & GMA G-192-1. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49,Revision to the guide material on chnages to transmission integrity management program under 192.909. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on direct assessment under 192.903 and 192.923. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on preventative & mitigative measures under 192.935. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on OPS notification under 192.949 and GMA G-192-1. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.Revision to the guide material on abbrevations under 192.3. The standard provides information to assist the gas pipeline operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.【中国标准分类号】: E98【国际标准分类号】: 75_200【页数】: 【正文语种】: 英语         
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