sigh007 发表于 2012-3-29 13:07:32

ANSI/ICEA S-100-685-2006 室内/室外用热塑性绝缘和有套通信站用电线

                   【英文标准名称】:     Thermoplastic Insulated and Jacketed Telecommunications Station Wire for Indoor/Outdoor Use            【原文标准名称】:     室内/室外用热塑性绝缘和有套通信站用电线            【标准号】:     ANSI/ICEA S-100-685-2006            【标准状态】:     作废            【国别】:     美国            【发布日期】:     2006    【实施或试行日期】: 【发布单位】: 美国国家标准学会(US-ANSI)【起草单位】: ANSI【标准类型】: ()【标准水平】: ()【中文主题词】: 布线;通信电缆;配电电缆;通信【英文主题词】: Cabling;Communication cables;Distribution cables;Telecommunications【摘要】: Covers station wire intended primarily for application on the premises of communications users. The wire is intended for use between the point of demarcation (the network interface device/protector) and the telephone termination device within single and multi-family dwellings. Materials, construction and performance requirements are included in the Standard, together with applicable test procedures.【中国标准分类号】: K12【国际标准分类号】: 33_040_20【页数】: 【正文语种】: 英语         
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