sigh007 发表于 2012-3-29 13:07:26

ANSI/ASTM D3311a-2006 排水、废弃物和通风(DWV)塑料管配件样品规范

                   【英文标准名称】:     Specification for Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns            【原文标准名称】:     排水、废弃物和通风(DWV)塑料管配件样品规范            【标准号】:     ANSI/ASTM D3311a-2006            【标准状态】:     作废            【国别】:     美国            【发布日期】:     2006    【实施或试行日期】: 2006-08-15【发布单位】: 美国国家标准学会(US-ANSI)【起草单位】: ANSI【标准类型】: ()【标准水平】: ()【中文主题词】: 排水管;配件;式样;管道配件;管道;管;塑料;废弃物【英文主题词】: Drains;Fittings;Patterns;Pipe fittings;Pipelines;Pipes;Plastics;Plastics fittings;Vent;Wastes【摘要】: This specification provides standard fitting geometries and laying lengths for plastic fittings intended for use in drain, waste, and vent applications. (See Specifications D2661 and D2665.)  Fittings meeting the requirements of this standard specification are designed for use with outside diameter controlled pipe. The inside diameter can vary significantly as the wall thickness and outside diameter varies and therefore is not suitable for use as a fitting socket.   The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information only.【中国标准分类号】: G33【国际标准分类号】: 23_040_45【页数】: 【正文语种】: 英语         
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