sigh007 发表于 2012-3-29 13:07:22

ANSI/UL 746A-2006 聚合材料的安全标准.短期性能评价

                   【英文标准名称】:     Standard for Safety for Polymeric Materials - Short Term Property Evaluations            【原文标准名称】:     聚合材料的安全标准.短期性能评价            【标准号】:     ANSI/UL 746A-2006            【标准状态】:     作废            【国别】:     美国            【发布日期】:     2006    【实施或试行日期】: 【发布单位】: 美国国家标准学会(US-ANSI)【起草单位】: ANSI【标准类型】: ()【标准水平】: ()【中文主题词】: 聚合材料;特性【英文主题词】: Elastomers;Electrical properties of materials;Evaluations;Flammability;Physical properties;Polymeric materials;Properties;Short-time;Short-time tests;Test procedures;Thermal properties of materials;Thermoplastic polymers;Thermosetting polymers【摘要】: UL is issuing a Recirculation Proposal to address comments received on the previous UL 746A Proposal dated October 14, 2005. The following Topics are subject to comment: Polymer Variations - Revision of Table 8.1; Revising Section 23 to Denote Differences between ASTM 3638 and IEC 60112; Added Exceptions for Ambient Temperature Limits for Some 746A Tests; Elimination of Dated References to Codes; and Correction of Ball-Pressure Test Description to Match IEC Standard.【中国标准分类号】: G31【国际标准分类号】: 83_080_01【页数】: 【正文语种】: 英语         
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