davidnpp 发表于 2016-8-31 11:43:52

IEEE STD 420-2013 IEEE Standard for the Design and

本帖最后由 davidnpp 于 2016-8-31 11:47 编辑

IEEE STD 420-2013 (Revision of IEEE Std 420-2001)
IEEE Standard for the Design and Qualification of Class 1E Control Boards, Panels, and Racks Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

davidnpp 发表于 2016-8-31 11:50:12

IEEE STD 420-2013 (Revision of IEEE Std 420-2001)
IEEE Standard for the Design and Qualification of Class 1E Control Boards, Panels, and Racks Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations

admin 发表于 2016-8-31 16:45:53


hgundas 发表于 2019-10-11 19:58:40

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